Friday, June 2, 2017

Wall Street, June 3rd 2017

Thank you for visiting Crossword Clues Answers.

Below you will find all the solutions to Wall Street Crossword from June 3rd 2017.

June 3rd 2017 Answers

Clue Solution
License plates TAGS
Temporary fix SGAP
Place to retire? PITS
"Gadzooks!" YIPES
Hippy performances HULAS
___ visit to (call on) PAYA
Acknowledge AVOW
"You bet!" UHHUH
Middle daughter on "Downton Abbey" EDITH
Much of the Smithsonian's collection AMERICANA
New Zealand native MAORI
Smart alecks WISEACRES
Doctrines TENETS
Brandy label abbr. VSOP
Autonomous software program BOT
Chocolaty desserts MUDPIES
Sch. for youngsters ELEM
Castle and others IRENES
Brushy wasteland HEATH
Halt hastily SONADIME
"Dead Souls" author GOGOL
It may be wedge-shaped DOORS
Runners on runs SKIS
"Well done!" NICE
Secluded valleys GLENS
Strong hold GRIP
Vases with bases URNS
Red Cross supply SERA
Malibu rental BEACHHOUSE
Buddhist buildings PAGODAS
"Casablanca" role ILSA
Profligate ROUE
Sun. talk SER
Business partner, at times SON
Shape of 96-Across suggested by this puzzle's special squares OCTAGON
Small pouch SAC
Playbill snippet BIO
Cameo shape OVAL
Beheld EYED
Add for free THROWIN
Points LOCI
Texter's "carpe diem" YOLO
Nirvana for shopaholics SALE
Book, to Balzac LIVRE
Nearly all MOST
Lavinia's brother in "Mourning Becomes Electra" ORIN
This puzzle's theme SSIGN
Woody's worry ANGST
Brief campaign appearance WHISTLES
Stem-to-stern beams KEELS
Versailles "va-va-voom!" OOLALA
Scraped (out) EKED
Dismissal HEAVEHO
Outstanding OVERDUE
Away from NNW SSE
Sentence to hell DAMN
Whack job MOBHIT
Fit for taking home from the animal shelter ADOPTABLE
Mayo men IRISH
Tried to steal the basketball REACHEDIN
Jones who caught the final out of the Miracle Mets Series win CLEON
Sleep lab study APNEA
Novice TYRO
Small denomination SECT
Entertaining types HOSTS
Agree with, tacitly NODAT
Calls on SSIN
Network that aired "Dawson's Creek" THEWB
Speaker's output AUDIO
Brilliant, in a way GLISTENING
Fill completely SATE
"The Real Thing" playwright SPARD
Race car, in Monopoly GAMEPIECE
Sailor's agreement AYESIR
Standard PAR
Dawdlers may be warned to pick it up PACE
Physiologist Pavlov IVAN
Firms up TONES
Runner's ticker SWATCH
"Tasty!" YUM
"Can't stay!" IHAVETOGO
Element that glows in the dark PHOSPHORUS
Continental cash EUROS
Harbor arrival SHIP
Made red, in a way SHAMED
"___ big deal!" ITSNO
Chili powder ingredient CUMIN
That lady SHE
Head exam readout, briefly EEG
Young fellow LAD
Stock holders? LASSOS
Golden roll with a hole EGGBAGEL
Plugs SSUP
Cajun stew staple OKRA
Long to see MISS
Get smart LEARN
Acknowledge the judge's entrance RISE
Wine-preserving doodad SPER
Ivanka's younger brother ERIC
PX customer NCO
"You're in the library!" SHUSH
Hyde, to Jekyll ALTEREGO
Consider HEAR
Bad outlook DOOM
Forging aid ANVIL
Utter SAY
Eight-time All-Star Tony OLIVA
"Hamilton" actor Leslie ODOM
Western howler COYOTE
1956 Marilyn Monroe movie BUSS
"The sickness gets ___ the liquor dies out": Kipling INAS
On the same page OFLIKEMIND
Mahershala of "Moonlight" ALI
Mrs. Addams, to Mr. Addams TISH
Global superlative WORLDSBEST
Court legend Nastase ILIE
2014 Liam Neeson thriller NONS
Mykonos surrounder AEGEANSEA
Tuscan river ARNO
Yellow quality COWARDICE
Traffic delay TIEUP
Cathedral Gorge State Pk. setting NEV
DMV worker in "Zootopia" SLOTH
Hebrew alphabet ender TAV
Storyboard component SKETCH
Apollo vehicle LEM
Derek Jeter, notably SHORTS
Sluggish LEADEN
Horn honker of film HARPO
Carries out OBEYS
Fleetwood Mac single of 1977 DONTS
Casino array SLOTS
Itty-bitty EENSY
Primatologist Fossey DIAN
Mata ___ HARI
PC picture ICON
Soothing juice ALOE
Mr. Peanut accessory HAT
Anka's "___ Beso" ESO

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