Friday, June 2, 2017

Irish Times Simplex, June 3rd 2017

Thank you for visiting Crossword Clues Answers.

Below you will find all the solutions to Irish Times Simplex Crossword from June 3rd 2017.

June 3rd 2017 Answers

Clue Solution
Anxiety caused by danger FEAR
Assistants or attendants ACOLYTES
Be able to spare AFFORD
Beneath UNDER
Between day and night TWILIGHT
Body of people under a single government NATION
Busy rodents BEAVERS
Complying with commands OBEDIENT
Decayed, stinking ROTTEN
Evergreen plants with tall stout stems YUCCAS
Feeling of immense rapture ECSTASY
Help to do something wrong ABET
Hot and bothered, rattled FLUSTERED
Leaders, heads CHIEFS
Man or beast ANIMAL
Many and various DIVERS
Matured AGED
Musical compositions with words SONGS
Part of the ear LOBE
Particular environment or walk of life SPHERE
Phenomena that can't be explained MYSTERIES
Piece of music for piano SONATA
Repeat aloud from memory RECITE
Say what something is like DESCRIBE
Scented toilet powder TALCUM
She has fair hair BLONDE
Sing a pleasing combination of notes HARMONISE
Small Hispanic wine-shop BODEGA
Small representative part SAMPLE
Spring flowers TULIPS
Standards of perfection IDEALS
Taut or strained TENSE
Transmit by radio or television BROADCAST
Tumult, upheaval TURMOIL
Wheel shafts AXLES
Withdrawal for prayer, study, meditation RETREAT

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