Friday, June 2, 2017

Independent Uk Cryptic, June 3rd 2017

Thank you for visiting Crossword Clues Answers.

Below you will find all the solutions to Independent Uk Cryptic Crossword from June 3rd 2017.

June 3rd 2017 Answers

Clue Solution
Label these clothes? That's not a job for Miss Worthington THESTAGE
Character actor STAMP
Chicken decapitated crow RAVEN
Gaelic eccentric receives a pair of cups relating to mathematical work ALGEBRAIC
Bin Laden trained missing book worm ANNELID
Mum's institute occasionally has tissue massage SHIATSU
Maybe pot's the last thing you'll need during meditation TUM
What an alligator may do to recover quickly SNAPOUTOFIT
Aims to install new lenses and start to see infinity ENDLESSNESS
Stretcher carrying Salieri? The opposite LIE
Rolling agenda, involving Mike Pence, makes one wonder PYRAMID
Rum barrels in front of top-class drinking club? BACARDI
A way to purchase flexible armour by post? MAILORDER
Drug company dumped retrograde computer ENIAC
A legion will get turned on and climax NOEND
Punishments by educators and teachers is niggling grammar schools' principals BEATINGS
Film featuring sailor, unknown soldier, ambassador and primate stuck on island TARZANTHEAPEMAN
Filled with malice, the first lady holds tail of Tasmanian devil up ENVENOMED
"You rang" said Lurch, not ultimately happy, to Mr and Mrs Addams? GUARDIANS
Advances, first to last SUBSIST
Old programmer goes to gym to get fit ADAPT
Restore mouldy pie with spice and ketchup PICKUPTHEPIECES
Women avoiding regular payments for years AGES
Subdued individual catches part of speech given to troops OVERBORNE
Anna Friel's drunk the wine of Pontius Pilate FALERNIAN
Model who unloaded recycled timber ELMWOOD
German-English painter, getting worse over time SICKERT
Put up beams in the auditorium RAISE
Mythical queen languished, devoid of ecstasy and love DIDO

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