Saturday, May 30, 2020

News Day, May 31st 2020

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Below you will find all the solutions to News Day Crossword from May 31st 2020.

May 31st 2020 Answers

Clue Solution
Bear seen by Goldilocks MAMA
Part of the US arsenal ICBM
Management tier LEVEL
Tra __ LALA
Touch the edge of ABUT
Some transports to terminals TRAMS
They may be final EXAMS
Chopped down AXED
Fear of foreigners XENOPHOBIA
Engine for tanks GASTURBINE
''Aida'' lyricist TIMRICE
''Odyssey'' sorceress CIRCE
Name on ''Citizen Kane'' posters ORSON
Tattooists' supply INKS
Lumber flaw KNOT
Tire track or footprint, perhaps CLUE
Taken __ (startled and confused) ABACK
Low-carb diet KETO
''This is great fun!'' WHATAGAS
Public disturbance SCENE
Data discounted by analysts RANDOMNOISE
Humdrum routine RUT
Signaled to start CUED
Ear tip LOBE
Slips up ERRS
''Look what I did!'' TADA
Rover's remark ARF
Approve automatically RUBBERSTAMP
Make an all-out effort GOBIG
__ wheels (sporty tire rims) MAG
Lab assistant of films IGOR
Dodge City lawman EARP
Land parcels TRACTS
Some combos OCTETS
Santa __, CA ANA
Spandex swimwear brand SPEEDO
Brownish greys TAUPES
Play opener ACTI
Long-eared hopper HARE
Take into custody NAB
World book ATLAS
Large dog breed AFGHANHOUND
TV schedule letters TBA
Some CFO credentials MBAS
French designer DIOR
Leather piercers AWLS
Delivered vocally ORAL
Faux __ (misstep) PAS
Pricey Italian auto LAMBORGHINI
Ordinary writing PROSE
All Olympians ATHLETES
Decorative pitcher EWER
Ferret cousin SABLE
Looked closely at EYED
On any occasion EVER
Tarzan's neighbors APES
Hardly sufficient SCANT
It followed Tropical Storm Harvey in 2011 IRENE
Hand warmers MITTENS
Indigestible portion of food CRUDEFIBER
Suffix for gazillion AIRE
''Cast of thousands'' films EPICS
Slightly ahead ONEUP
Swiss abstract artist KLEE
Skier's ride TBAR
Squander WASTE
Dedicated works ODES
Mends material SEWS
Hit the limit, with ''out'' MAX
''Aid'' accompanier ABET
State-issued bond, for short MUNI
Unit of uranium ATOM
''In my opinion . . .'' ITHINK
Earthenware pot CROCK
Innocents BABES
Start of this century MMI
Plane seat stat LEGROOM
On the dot EXACT
Jar for jasmine VASE
CPR expert EMT
Tulane traditional rival LSU
Fossil trove near Wilshire LABREA
Pole-to-pole line AXIS
Comedian/car collector LENO
Mideast's Gulf of __ ADEN
Brought down, as a quarterback SACKED
Tag number PRICE
Bus driver's assignment ROUTE
Engrossed with INTO
Tweet not from Twitter CHIRP
Certain kilt wearer LASS
Honda line ACURA
Hungarian cuisine staple BEEFGOULASH
Point-__-click mouse AND
Low joint KNEE
Snack for a robin WORM
Usurp authority GRABCONTROL
Revenue agent's job AUDIT
Bucks in the forest STAGS
It's not legit SCAM
High-tech drone, essentially ROBOT
Truncated wds. ABBRS
Tide table term NEAP
Olympic racers LUGES
Contemptible one TOAD
Traditional ceremonies RITES
Get to by phone REACH
Dancer's driver SANTA
Toy on wheels TRAIN
Hoggish nature GREED
Birds at the beach TERNS
Many money mgrs. CPAS
Presented to potential buyers SHOWN
Austrian Nobel physicist PAULI
Southern ''Bay'' city TAMPA
Awaiting a pitch ATBAT
Farming prefix AGRO
Knock down some ABASE
Barn bundle BALE
Strived AIMED
Electronic car keys FOBS
Something to dye or dry HAIR
Page One reading DATE
The moon, in a Whitman poem ORB
Philippine island LEYTE
Singer Stefani GWEN
__ stay (permanent) HERETO
Edible elbows PASTA
Mortgage source LENDER
Installations SETUPS
Standing tall ERECT
Energized, with ''up'' AMPED
Vexed state PIQUE
''Outta here!'' SCAT
Bed with bars CRIB
Celebrity mystique AURA
Pelican cousin IBIS
Bulls in the forest ELKS
''Ten Commandments'' water NILE
36 Down, for instance STEW
Nearly none FEW
Artisanal beer, initially IPA
John __ Lennon ONO
''Definitely!'' YES

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