Wednesday, November 7, 2018

La Times, November 8th 2018

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Below you will find all the solutions to La Times Crossword from November 8th 2018.

November 8th 2018 Answers

Clue Solution
Spinal segment DISC
One without a permanent address NOMAD
What sit-ups strengthen ABS
College World Series home OMAHA
Offer one's two cents OPINE
Burst POP
Cara cara or Washington fruit NAVELORANGE
Poirot's street RUE
"Open: An Autobiography" subject AGASSI
Blintz topping ROE
Actress Meyer of "Saw" films DINA
Where I-30 and I-40 meet LITTLEROCK
Tonsillitis-treating doc ENT
IV units CCS
Roman goddess of agriculture CERES
__ Moines DES
"Down Came a Blackbird" country singer McCann LILA
Committee leader CHAIR
Traveler's rest MOTELROOM
Boat filler GRAVY
Passed-down tales LORE
Convened SAT
Pool table slab SLATE
Part of Q&A AND
Pub potable ALE
Actor who appeared in nine films with Sydney Greenstreet PETERLORRE
Pierce player ALDA
Crew pair OARS
Poet's preposition ERE
Cubs pitcher Jon LESTER
"Suits" TV network USA
Therapy technique ... and a hint to what's hidden in 17-, 24-, 34- and 45-Across? ROLEPLAYING
Liberal arts maj. SOC
Battery terminal ANODE
Car opening? RENTA
Compass pt. ENE
Parsonage MANSE
Light shirts TEES
Learned ones SAVANTS
Country partly in the Arctic Circle: Abbr. NOR
Tricky genre OPART
Annual North Dakota State Fair site MINOT
Mike Trout, notably ANGEL
See 56-Down DEE
Like some knowledge APRIORI
Bar employee BOUNCER
Represents, with "for" SPEAKS
Gore and Michaels ALS
Original Pennsylvania headquarters of Quaker State OILCITY
Journal subject DREAM
"__ of Dogs": 2018 animated film ISLE
Reverberated ECHOED
Well-off, after "in" CLOVER
Free Clear detergent maker ALL
Ithaca campus CORNELL
Partners MATES
Laugh good and loud ROAR
"The Hustler" actor (1961) GLEASON
Soup cracker SALTINE
Ristorante request ALDENTE
Riot squad's supply TEARGAS
Partner, perhaps SPOUSE
Hotelier Helmsley LEONA
Sweater fabric ORLON
Clarinetist's supply REEDS
So far ASYET
Sound catcher EAR
More than bump into RAM
With 9-Down, river of the Carolinas PEE

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