Saturday, March 11, 2017

Mirror Quiz, March 12th 2017

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Below you will find all the solutions to Mirror Quiz Crossword from March 12th 2017.

March 12th 2017 Answers

Clue Solution
Wife of Agamemnon in Greek mythology CLYTEMNESTRA
State capital of Georgia, US ATLANTA
Port and largest city in Kansai, Japan OSAKA
Fabric of wool, cotton or silk interwoven with threads of metal LAME
Junior —, WBC Super Lightweight champion from 2006-08 WITTER
Maurice —, French composer of 1911 opera L'heure espagnole RAVEL
Colloquial term for a public address system taken from the name of a firm set up by Guy Fountain in 1926 TANNOY
Unit of speed; one nautical mile per hour KNOT
Former US gold coin worth ten dollars EAGLE
Musical instruction to perform a piece quickly in a brisk lively manner ALLEGRO
Charles Dickens novel published in book form in 1857 featuring the character Arthur Clennam LITTLEDORRIT
Genus of flowering perennial plants that includes the Persian — and Lebanon — CYCLAMEN
Kipchoge —, 1968 Olympic men's 1,500m gold medallist KEINO
Former kingdom and French protectorate of E Indochina now part of Vietnam ANNAM
Resort that hosted the F1 Portuguese GP from 1984-96 ESTORIL
Multihull sailing vessel of the South Pacific PROA
2012 and 2016 Olympic track cycling omnium gold medallist married to Jason Kenny LAURATROTT
Legendary foster brother and steward of King Arthur KAY
1995 action film starring Lori Petty in the title role TANKGIRL
Eric —, actor who played Salvatore Maroni in 2008 action film The Dark Knight ROBERTS
Ring-shaped bread roll BAGEL
George —, author of novels The Mill on the Floss and Adam Bede ELIOT
Raven in 1841 Charles Dickens novel Barnaby Rudge GRIP

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