Monday, January 9, 2017

Eugene Sheffer, January 10th 2017

Thank you for visiting Crossword Clues Answers.

Below you will find all the solutions to Eugene Sheffer Crossword from January 10th 2017.

January 10th 2017 Answers

Clue Solution
Skirt feature SLIT
Island near Java BALI
Close NEAR
Rocker Clapton ERIC
MLB stat RBI
Solid baseball hit LINEDRIVE
Unwell ILL
Musical combo BAND
Cut at an angle BEVEL
Like crazy MADLY
Traditional tales LORE
Lotion additive ALOE
Evergreen shrub OLEANDER
Away from NNE SSW
— shoestring ONA
Piece for soloist and orchestra CONCERTO
Big gulp SWIG
Foolproof SURE
Wizards' sticks WANDS
Slogan MOTTO
Sword fight DUEL
Eggs OVA
Place for a "Welcome to ..." sign STATELINE
Court divider NET
Gumbo need OKRA
Actor Clive OWEN
Exist ARE
Scottish lake LOCH
Fireplace fuel WOOD
NBC weekend show SNL
Wahine's gift LEI
Author Fleming IAN
Clef type TREBLE
Swiss capital BERN
Saharan ARID
Actress Tyler LIV
Arctic vessel ICEBOAT
Cause to decrease, as prices DRIVEDOWN
Competent ABLE
Pickling herb DILL
Calendar box DAY
Directional ending ERN
Fem. counterpart MASC
To boot ALSO
Toward a southern border DOWNSTATE
Comic Jay LENO
Meanie OGRE
Allow LET
Oklahoma city ENID
Alger's "before" RAGS
Spray can AEROSOL
Snip CUT
Yellowish SALLOW
Teeny WEE
"— Lisa" MONA
Done with OVER
Jeanne — DARC
Six-sided state UTAH
Ring decision TKO
— Jima IWO
Ultramodernist NEO
Conclusion END

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